Scope of Activity 

The Foundation for Dialogue brings together team of artists/educators: writer, storyteller, poet, play writer, actors, dancers, choreographer, director and teachers, art-advisors, students and volunteers, VR/AR technology experts, exhibition curators.


Promotion the idea of social integration of minorities through art, dialogue and the new media.

Improving access to culture and art in small communities located far from big cities through schools, community culture centers, and senior citizens' homes, including persons with disabilities.

Embrace change and encourage innovation – development of the new media and communication technologies online: Mixed Reality (MX = Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality).

response to coronavirus

During the current COVID-19 crisis our priority remains everyone’s health and safety. Our response to the current crisis are the new on-line projects using the Mixed Reality (MX) communication technology, which are safe for our audiences and immune to the restriction of mobility.

Funding sources for the Foundation For Dialogue

Grants from:
Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
Polish Ministry of Education
National Culture Centre in Warsaw
Adam Mickiewicz Institute in Warsaw
PZU Foundation in Warsaw
European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism


JURATA near Jastarnia - a small town and seat of the municipality, which also consists of small settlements of Jurata and Kuźnica, in the Pomeranian Voivodeship, Puck County, Jastarnia Municipality, on the Hel Peninsula. The commune is inhabited by the Kashubian population, formerly engaged exclusively in fishing. Today, in the summer season, a seaside resort with two marinas (the inhabitants stood at 2734 people, in the months of June-July-August thousands are visiting Jastarnia commune).

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