26 March 1944 - 6 October 2014
Igor Mitoraj 360° VIRTUAL TOUR
Desktop/laptop computers (Windows/MacOs)
1. Press the left mouse button and move it to look aroundDesktop/laptop computers (Windows/MacOs)
2. Click the white circles to move to another place on the presented location.Smartphones (iOS/Android)
+ cardboard/VR goggles
1983, marble
Canada Square, Canary Wharf,
London, Great Britain
1994, bronze
Montgomery Square, Canary Wharf, London, Great Britain
1999, bronze
Old Market Square, Krakow, Poland
1984, bronze
Krakow Opera, Krakow, Poland
2009, bronze
Our Lady of Grace Church, Old Town, Warsaw, Poland
2004, bronze
John Paul II Olympic Center, Warsaw, Poland
2009, bronze
Bobrowiecka 6, Warsaw, Poland